Catherine was giving the usual moan about how there are "simply no good men in the world, they are all taken", when I suggested she tried online dating.
Suddenly the room fell silent.
I felt like an outsider.
A desperate woman amongst the elite.
How dare I bring this up!!
"Whats the big deal?" I blurted out, in a sense of nervousness and defense.
I was not prepared for the lash of snide remarks and comments on the issue.
For the prupose of this blog, I will list a few of them. (With no doubt you are thinking the same thing)
- "Online dating is for desperate people who are unable to find someone in an open setting"
- "All men (yes, all) lie about their age, height and financial security online"
- "The picture they upload on those sites are who men wish they looked like. I've heard that they look nothing like that in real life" - (interestingly the girl who said that later admitted to me she had secretly had recently joined a well known site, but was too scared to admit it)
- "Do you want to die? everyone knows that the men on those sites are either rapists or murderers looking for their next victim! (Yes, someone actually said this)
- "I'm old fashioned. I prefer to meet face to face"
The latter point hit the nail on the head.
C'mon ladies, this is 2012! Stop being so OLD FASHIONED.
We are constantly being bombarded with the increasing temptation to buy into the latest technology.
The I-Phone 5, the touch screen kindle, the 200 inch plasma 3d TV.
But, despite this infatuation to latest futuristic technology, there is still a massive taboo, when it comes to using new methods to find Mr. Right.
Online dating is still a massive hush! hush!
It's like we've had a upgrade on all other areas of our social life; facebook, twitter, myspace (and for those of you old enough to remember) MSN, but we're yet to find an acceptable upgrade for dating.
So many of my friends say that online dating is for the desperate.
And yet those friends spend hours getting ready on a saturday, cramming thier bits and bobs into the tiniest of outfits and wearing 8 inch heals, all with the desperate hope that they might meet Mr. Right that evening.
In truth, we've all tried online dating in one form or another.
What do you call it when you poke that guy on facebook, or add a stranger because you think he is hot?
We live in a world where guys will ask for your BBM, you will spend hours on Facebook chat, and there's nothing more exciting then hearing the ping of a FF Tweet from a someone you fancy.
So are you not tecnically online dating?
Clicking on a site that help builds your path to a happy ending is like finding a means to a very happy end.
- It's a time saver; how often have you met a cute guy in a bar and then wasted your time having to speak to him for an hour, realising he has the personality of a dead fish and that you have NOTHING in common.... with online dating you can pretty much give him an entire background check before you press the 'click to buy' button.
- There's a large pool of singletons to meet; If I told you there was going to be a party in your local nightclub and it would be full of single men ready to talk to you, I can guarantee you'd be there, right? Go figure. (Sorry I always wanted to say that! And now seemed quite appropriate)
- Increased selectivity; you can choose who you want to speak to and who you don't. Yey! No more chatting to the biggest loser in town becuase your friend has pulled and you're on your lonesome.
- It's all about the personality; Ok, so i't's imporant you have your best profile picture up there because men are visual, but once you get past that hurdle, you can spend as long or as little as you like really getting to know someone before commiting to anything. Yey! No more being traded in for the leggy blonde who just walked into the bar!
- Rejection is much easier to handle; There's nothing worse than being in a bar trying to flirt with a guy, only to realise that the only reason he was staring at you is because you had your skirt caught in your knickers. Major humility and rejection! Hang my head in shame. Online if a guy doesn't like you he just won't message back, simples.
It's entirely upto you which side of the fence you sit on.
But don't moan and say there's are no good men out there, when it's your own pride that won't let you access the whole sea of fish online.
Click and collect.